Unit 9/36 Province Blvd
PH: 03 5241 2878
Alternate Options When Clinic is Closed
In the event we are closed please contact 13 SICK (13 74 25). This is an after-hours home doctor service, which can bulk bill.
In an emergency please go to University Hospital Emergency Department on Ryrie St, Geelong.
Or phone 000 for an ambulance
We are an appointment only clinic; longer appointments are available upon request. We endeavour to keep on time; however emergency cases will have priority. On occasions, we do run behind but this is often because we have dealt with un-booked but urgent cases. Please be patient with us, as we do attempt to keep to our appointment times as much as possible.
We offer home visits during business hours if the patient is a known registered patient of this practice, has been recently, and the GP requested for the home visit is familiar with the patient and happy to conduct the home visit in terms of safety.
Home visits are ONLY conducted in the local area of the clinic (within 5 kilometres of the practice location) and it is up to the GP concerned if the home visit is viable.
Fail to Attend Fee (FTA)
Due to the number of missed appointments, we now have a FTA fee of $50.00 non-refundable. If you can't make your appointment, please call and cancel 2 hours prior or you will be charged this fee.
Medical Certificates
You will need to see the doctor for a medical certificate on the day it is required. If you are unable to visit the surgery on the day, a letter of support may be arranged if the doctor is happy to do this.
After Hours Care
We are registered with a medical deputising service which covers the Geelong/Melbourne area. A doctor can come and visit when we are closed. Pensioners are also bulk billed. Ph (03) 9429 5677
Prescriptions and Drugs of Dependence
An appointment is required for all prescriptions, whether you are a regular or new patient. We do not do scripts by verbal request. We do NOT prescribe drugs of dependence or keep any drugs of dependence on the property.
Aggressive Behaviour
This practice does NOT tolerate any aggressive behaviour, physically or verbally, towards staff or fellow patients.
Depending on the circumstance and situation, we do have the power to ban you and your family members from the clinic.
Test/Procedure Results
A follow up appointment is required for all results.This can be done by face to face appointments with the referring doctor.
Management of Personal Information/Privacy
Your medical records are confidential. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to insure information is only available to authorized members and staff. We abide by the national privacy principal.
Patients Without Medicare/Private Patients
Patients who are not eligible for a Medicare card are expected to pay on the day and can claim benefits through their own Private Health or Travel insurance. The Standard Consultation Fee is $85.00.
Out of Pocket Fees
Medical reports and transport accidents cannot be bulk billed. The Doctors at this Practice no longer take Work Cover patients.
Medical reports: depending on information, payment required on the day.
Employment medicals: depending on information, payment required on the day.
Transport accidents: must be paid for on the day unless you provide us with letter stating TAC have accepted your claim.
Your Rights/Feedback
If you have feedback, we would like to hear about it! We have a suggestion box located in the reception area or please feel free to raise any concerns with a staff member. Contact details for the Victorian Complaints Agency are:
Health Services Commissioner
10th floor, 55 Swanton Street
Melbourne 3000
Ph: (03) 9655 5200
Australian Health Practitioners Registration (AHPRA)
GPO Box 9958
Melbourne VIC 3000
Ph: 1300 419 495